
Please reach out if you are interested in discussing potential speaking or writing opportunities! thomas@hope.edu

Invited Talks

Thomas, K. (December, 2024). Scrappy Good Hope: A Virtue for Adversity. Leadership Advancing Character and Culture in Schools December retreat (virtual)

Murray Dykhuis, E & Thomas, K. (November 14, 2024). Virtue Measurement: Designing for Context, Change and Culture. Educating Character Initiative Workshop at Wake Forest University (virtual)

Thomas, K. (October, 2024). Justice Fosters Character: The Restorative Role of Schools [Keynote address] Educating Character Initiative Workshop at Wake Forest University, Milwaukee, WI (in person)

Thomas, K. (May 15, 2024). Esperança: Uma virtude para a adversidade [Hope: A virtue for adversity]. Faculdade Teologica Sul Americana, Londrina, PR, Brasil.

Witvliet, C. V. O., & Thomas, K. (September 18, 2023). Eschatological hope and virtuous hope: Hope amidst lament. Q & A with Theology, Psychology, and Practice in Conversation, with the Faith and Illness Initiative colloquy group convened by Todd Billings, Western Theological Seminary, Holland, MI.

(2023, July). Esperança Virtuosa: Um imperativo moral que transcende o sucesso. [Virtuous Hope: A moral imperative that transcende success]. Continuing education workshop and podcast. UniFil University. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W4_g3o_P4M&list=PLU1fpMksWf7ivmO2A5-6CQdtngnXyx-wB&index=3 

(2022, October) Event sponsored by the Health & Education Department in a Brazilian municipality: Esperança: Virtude para pais e professores [Hope: A virtue for parents and teachers].  http://programadiga.com.br/seminario-2022/ 

(2022, August) 5th Seminar for Valuing Life Universidade Federal do Paraná,: Valorização da vida: o que pode nos dar sentido e esperança? [Valuing Life: What can give us purpose and hope?]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YVsY2Gbb_g 

(2021, November) IV Seminar on Relationships and Prevention in Mental HealthHosted by the Federal University of Paraná in partnership with the government of the state of Paraná. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBj6H5WKguQ 

(2021, October). Keynote Address at Congresso Conviver. Curitiba, Brazil. Just Environments; Strong Kids  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6p3ByQejSE 

(2021, October). Half-day seminar for teacher training. Seminário da Convivência. Curitiba, Brazil. Mini-curso Ensinando Virtudes [Teaching virtues workshop]. 

(2021, March). Teacher training seminar in Curitiba, Brazil. Nutrindo virtudes na escola [Fostering virtues in the school]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TGKFF9GUuc&t=3104s 

(2021, March). Teacher Training Seminar in Curitiba, Brazil. Crescendo con (in)justiça: O poder da escola. [Growing up with (in)justice: The power of the school]. 

(2020, August). 2nd Annual Semana da Convivência (broadcasted live to five school districts in the larger metropolitan area of Curitiba, Brazil). Nutrindo Virtudes em Tempos de Pandemia [Nurturing Virtues in a Pandemic Times]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1aaPHQZhII&t=2386s 

(2020, April). Seminário da Convivência. Curitiba, Brazil. Resiliencia e Responsabilidade Social em Dias de Pandemia [Resiliency and Social Responsibility in a Pandemic]. 

(2020, January). Indiana Youth Workers’ Conference. Indianapolis, IN. It’s not Hormones, it is the Brain. Seminar on adolescent development.

(2019, March). Department of Education of the Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. Desenvolvimento sócio-emocional nas escolas e pensamentos de justiça. [Socioemotional development in the schools and perceptions of justice]. 

(2018, November). Panel discussant at the Superintendents Breakfast on School Safety and Security. Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning. Indianapolis, IN.

(2018, May). Center for Study of Violence at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. As Visões de Justiça de Adolescentes no Brasil, Quênia e Estados Unidos [The Perspective of Justice of Adolescents in Brazil, Kenya, and the United States]. 

(2018, May). Centro Universitário Filadélfia, Londrina, Brazil. A Justiça e o Jovem do Século XXI.  [Justice and the Youth of the XXI Century]. 

(2018, May). Parents workshop at the PGD School, Londrina, Brazil Preparando os Filhos para o Enfrentamento: Conflitos e conquistas da autonomia, emocional, social e cognitiva [Preparing our children to cope with challenges: Conflicts and victories of emotional, social, and cognitive autonomy]. 

(2018, May). Department of Education of the Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. Perspectivas de Justica dos Estudantes [Students’ Perspectives of Justice]. 

(June 20, 2016). Indianapolis Sister-Cities Conference: Global Connections, Engagement & Exchange: Internationalizing Experiences for Students, Educators & the Community; Indianapolis, IN. Making Cultural Connections Exciting for All. 

May, 2016). Centro Universitário Filadélfia; Londrina, Brazil. Perspectivas de Justiça (Perspectives of Justice).

(May, 2016). Centro Universitário Filadélfia; Londrina, Brazil. Atribuições e Motivações de Justiça na Vida Profissional [Atributions and motivations of justice in your professional life]. 

(May, 2016). Educar School; Londrina, Brazil. A Psicologia da Motivaçao [The psychology of motivation]. 

(May, 2016).  Parent workshop at PGD school; Londrina, Brazil. Como Elogiar para Estimular o Desenvolvimento [How to compliment your child to stimulate development].

(2015, April). TEDxBallStateUniversity; Muncie, IN. The Invisible Barrier to Education.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSioBnSGp2U  

(2014, November). Faculdade Evangelica do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. Psychology across the border..

(2013, May). Ball State University, Muncie, IN. Cognitive Redefinition through Immersion: Preparatory Teacher Efficacy Development. 

(2013, August). Centro Universitário Filadélfia, Londrina, Brazil. Perceptions of Justice and the Violence of Knowledge. 

(2012, April). Centro Universitário Filadélfia, Londrina, Brazil. Creating Personal Narratives

Media Commentary

CBS4 Indy

As winter looms, many Americans may struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder. https://cbs4indy.com/news/4-your-health/as-winter-looms-many-americans-may-struggle-with-seasonal-affective-disorder/ 

Are we addicted to our phones? CBS4. https://cbs4indy.com/this-morning/are-we-addicted-to-our-phones/ 

Time flies when you’re having fun. CBS4. https://cbs4indy.com/this-morning/does-time-really-fly-when-youre-having-fun-kind-of/ 

Working long hours? You may be killing yourself. Indiana: CBS4. https://cbs4indy.com/this-morning/working-long-hours-you-may-be-killing-yourself/ 

Got brain fog? You are not alone. Indiana: CBS4. https://cbs4indy.com/this-morning/got-brain-fog-youre-not-alone/amp/ 

Pandemic loneliness is impacting young people, mothers at concerning rate. Indiana: CBS4. https://cbs4indy.com/this-morning/pandemic-loneliness-is-impacting-young-people-mothers-at-concerning-rate/ 

Is the pandemic making us weirder? Possibly, and that’s not a bad thing. Indiana: CBS4.  https://cbs4indy.com/this-morning/is-the-pandemic-making-us-weirder-possibly-and-thats-not-a-bad-thing/ 

Talking to your kids about tragedy  http://news.uindy.edu/2016/06/14/orlando-uindy-faculty-offer-analysis-advice/


International study claims pandemic is costing children some basic skills. https://www.wishtv.com/news/local-news/international-study-claims-pandemic-is-costing-children-some-basic-skills/ 


ALL-IN: Helping kids manage back-to-school anxiety [Radio Broadcast]. https://www.wfyi.org/programs/all-in/radio/The-Friday-Pitch-In-08-14-2020 


Talking to kids about the coronavirus. http://archive.tveyes.com/18120/3640525-22944/8ad6d5a7-0aaa-4112-8aa5-0d4200a59d46/WRTV_03-13-2020_17.44.31.mp4


O Cérebro do Adolescente (No. 122) [The adolescent brain] [Audio podcast episode]. http://projetodocoracao.com/o-cerebro-do-adolescente 

A Importância do Fracasso (No. 35) [The value of failure] [Audio podcast episode]. https://projetodocoracao.com/a-importancia-do-fracasso/ 

O Desenvolvimento Cognitivo dos Nossos Filhos (No. 7) [Our children’s cognitive development] [Audio podcast episode]. https://projetodocoracao.com/desenvolvimento-cognitivo/ 


Here’s how Carmel High’s resource officers protect the largest school in the state. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2018/09/10/carmel-high-officers-day-protecting-states-largest-high-school/1134527002/  


What makes a preschool great: 4 things parentes need to look for. https://in.chalkbeat.org/2016/8/11/21100342/what-makes-a-preschool-great-4-things-parents-should-look-for#.V620fN-rS8V 

Academic Conference Presentations

Please reach out if you are interested in discussing potential speaking or writing opportunities! thomas@hope.edu


Thomas, K.J., Rodrigues, H. Komatsu, A. (2023, April). Justice for me and for all? A longitudinal analysis demonstrating justice capital. Paper presented at International Society for Justice Research (ISJR). Munich, Germany.

Thomas, K.J., Rodrigues, H. Komatsu, A. (2023, April). Justice for me and for all? Early adolescence longitudinal analysis.  Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference (MPA). Chicago, IL, USA

Musherure, I., Menya, G. & Thomas, K. (2023, April). Conceptualizing Hope as a Virtue. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference (MPA). Chicago, IL, USA

Ehrlich, E. & Thomas, K.J. (2022, August). Examining college student trajectories of a belief in a just world.  Poster presented at the American Psychological Association annual conference.

Thomas, K. J., Mangino, T. A., & Walker, S. (2022, April). Translational research on how a community-based intervention can increase parental play and reading. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Special Topic Meeting: Learning through Play and Imagination: Expanding Perspectives. 

Thomas, K., J. Theodoro, R., Komatsu, A. (2022, March). Adolescents’ Justice Socialization: A longitudinal analysis on perceptions of legal and non-legal authorities. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference.

Thomas, K. J. & Cunha, J. M. (2021, April). Just Environments Foster Virtues: A Longitudinal Assessment of School Climate Among Brazilian Youth. In K. Thomas (chair) Contextual Influences on Youth Character Development: Evidence from Kenya, Brazil, and Canada. Symposium presented at the Society for Research on Child Development (virtually).

Wainryb. C., Barreiro, A., Martinez, M., Thomas, K., & Perez-Manjarrez, E. (2021, April). Moral Development in the Global South: Youth Judgments of Economic Inequality and Civic Engagement. Roundtable presented at the Society for Research on Child Development (virtually).

Thomas, K. J., & Cunha, J. M., (2020, November). How SEL promotes character strengths and justice perceptions. Social & Emotional Learning Exchange. (virtually)

Ehrlich, E. & Thomas, K. (2020, November). Adverse life events and perceptions of justice: Literature review and future directions. Poster presented at the Indiana Psychological Association (IPA). Indianapolis, IN. (virtually)

Johnson, S. & Thomas, K. (2020, November). The relationship between racial ideology, just world belief, and system justification. Poster presented at the Indiana Psychological Association (IPA). Indianapolis, IN. (virtually)

Edwards, L. C., Thomas, K. J., & Case, K.  (2020, November). Learning from Students’ Feedback from Seismic-shift Spring: Barriers and Success. Workshop presentation at the Original Lilly Conference. Oxford, OH (virtually).

Thomas, K. J., de Oliveira R. T., & Komatsu, A. V. (2020, August). The development of just world beliefs and legal cynicism in Brazilian pre-adolescents: Race, education, and income. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA), Washington, D.C. (virtually)

Edwards L. C, Rodrigues, H., & Thomas, K. J. (2020, August). Parental legitimacy attributions: Procedural justice and victimization as differentiating factors. Poster accepted at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA), Washington, D.C. (virtually)

Thomas, K. J, & Rodrigues, H. (2020, April). Just world gap and legal socialization: Privilege, justice, and cynicism.  Paper accepted at the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference. Chicago, IL.

Edwards, L. C., & Thomas, K. J. (2019, November). Assessments: Powerful Learning and Teaching Tools. Workshop presentation at the Original Lilly Conference. Oxford, OH.

Zeigler, C. L., Atzhorn, J. D., Ray, E. M., Thomas, K. (2019, November). The just world gap. Poster presented at the Indiana Psychological Association (IPA). Indianapolis, IN.

Ray, E. M., Zeigler, C. L., Brixey, M., Atzhorn, J. D., Thomas, K. J. (2019, November). The VIA-Youth character assessment: A systematic literature review. Poster presented at the Indiana Psychological Association (IPA). Indianapolis, IN.

Atzhorn, J. D. & Thomas, K. J. (2019, August). Belief in a just world and school fairness as predictors of student engagement in Brazilian students. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Chicago, IL.

Simpson, J. & Thomas, K. (2019, March). Effectiveness of a South African Educational Program on Gender Misconceptions and the Cycle of Poverty. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) Biannual convention. Baltimore, MD.

Thomas, K. J. (2019, January). Research as Service Learning. Participant Idea Exchange presentation at the National Institute of the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). St. Pete Beach, FL

Edwards, L. C., & Thomas, K. J. (2018, November). Rich learning experiences through in-depth reflective dialogue with metacognitive components: Five teaching and learning strategies. Workshop presentation at the Original Lilly Conference. Oxford, OH.

Hoolihan, E. C., & Thomas, K. J. (2018, August). The relationships between bonding social capital, personal belief in a just world and well-being: An analysis of a diverse adolescent sample. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). San Fransisco, CA.

Thomas, K. J. & de Souza, D. A. (2018, April). School climate variables as predictors for adolescents’ perceptions of justice in society.  In J. Cunha (chair), The Effects of Classroom Social Environment on Students Socioemotional Development: perspectives from South-America. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biannual Convention. Minneapolis, MN.

Thomas, K. J. & Rodrigues, H. (2018, April). A profile of Brazilian youth: Parental legitimacy, procedural justice and adolescent compliance. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biannual Convention. Minneapolis, MN.

Mucherah, W. M., Finch, W., Thomas, K. J., White, T., & Wilson, A. (2017, May). Exploring the Relationship Between School Climate and Bullying: A Look into Three Different High Schools in Kenya. Poster presentation at the 29th Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention. Boston, MA.

Thomas, K. J, & Schelich, T. (2017, April). How fair are the police? How millennials are grappling with the issues of legitimacy and justice. Paper presentation at the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference. Chicago, IL.

Thomas, K. J., Americo de Souza, D. M., & Mariely, B. (2017, April). Shaping Brazilian adolescents’ belief in a just world: Public and private education. Paper presentation at the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference. Chicago, IL.

Thomas, K. J., Americo de Souza, D. M., Mariely, B., Saito, G., Barros Filho, A., Menegueti, A. C., Martins, D., & Tanahashi, G., (2017, April). Developing trust and hope in a complex society: Findings from Brazilian adolescents. Paper presentation at the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference. Chicago, IL.

Thomas, K. J. & Cunha, J. M. (2017, March). Fairness and trust as necessary precursors to growth mindset: A study among Brazilian children. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) Biannual convention. Austin, TX.

Thomas, K. J. & Schelich, T. A. (2017, January). Perceptions of justice among college students. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, San Antonio, TX.

Thomas, K. J & Mucherah, W. M. (2016, August). Building Justice Expectations at School and Beyond: Perspectives of Brazilian and Kenyan Adolescents. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Denver, CO.

Mucherah, W. M. & Thomas, K. J (2016, August). Reducing Barriers to Primary School Education for Girls in Rural Kenya: Reusable Pads’ Intervention. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Denver, CO.

Thomas, K. J & Mucherah, W., M. (2016, April). Brazilian Adolescents’ Perceptions of Justice and its Relationship with School Climate, Legal Authorities, and Student Conduct. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biannual convention. Baltimore, MD

Mucherah, W., M. & Thomas, K. J. (2016, April). Silence. Hide. Perceptions of Menstruation and Schooling among Adolescent Kenyan Girls in Rural Schools. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence Convention (SRA) Biannual convention.. Baltimore, MD

Mucherah, W., Brey, B., & Thomas, K. (2015, October).  Menstruation's Impact on School Performance: Perceptions of Adolescent Girls in Kenya. Presentation at the American School Health Association (ASHA) Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL.

Thomas, K. E. & Mucherah, W. M. (2015, April). Perceptions of Justice in School: Forming the Future Citizen. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL. 

Mucherah, W.  M., Clausen, J. M., Zygmunt, E. M., Clark, P., Tancock, S. & Thomas, K. E. (2015, April). Exploring the Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and Efficacy in an Immersive and Traditional Practicum Experience. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL

Thomas, K. E. & Mucherah, W. M. (2015, March). Fairness and its influence on compliance: Understanding perceptions of justice among Kenyan adolescents. Presentation at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Thomas, K. E. & Mucherah, W. M. (2014, August). Measuring cognitive redefinition: Fostering deeper self-understanding of teacher efficacy. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Washington, D.C.

Mucherah, W., M. & Thomas, K. E. (2014, August). Grappling with the issue of homosexuality: Kenyan high school students’ perceptions. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Washington, D.C.

Thomas, K. (2014, April). Cognitive redefinition through immersion: Preparatory teacher efficacy development. Invited symposium by the Department of Educational Psychology, Ball State University. Paper presented at Emens Graduate Symposium, Ball State University, Muncie, IN. 

Thomas, K. & Snyder, S. (2014, April). Necessary redefinition: Response-shift bias in study abroad programs. Round table discussion presentation at the Annual Meeting for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Philadelphia, PA.

Mucherah, W. & Thomas, K. (2013, May). Immersive Learning Program As a Catalyst for Pre-service Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy in a Diverse Low Income School. Poster presentation at the 25th Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention. Washington, D.C.

Mucherah, W. & Thomas, K. (2013, May). Perceptual Change: A Qualitative Analysis of an International Immersive Experience. Poster presented at the 65th Annual NAFSA Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Snyder, S., Edwards, K., Lantz, K. & Snyder, K. (2011, November).  Impact of Intercultural Experiences Through Taylor University: A 4-Year Prospective Longitudinal Analysis of the Academic Class of 2011. Workshop presented at the NAFSA Region VI 2011 Conference, Louisville, KY.

Snyder, S. & Edwards, K. (2011, January). Teaching Statistics Using a Problem Based Research Approach. Poster presented at the conference of the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL.

Snyder, S. et al. (2010, November). Student Intercultural Holistic Development.  Poster session presented at the ASHE Conference, Indianapolis, IN.