Research Publications


A dark lens or a dark world? 

Justice is a form of capital that is not distributed equally 

(Thomas, 2021)

See summary in Newsweek here

What is virtuous hope?

Moral exemplars of hope showcase the centrality of adversity and support.

We're now creating a quantitative measure based on the definition that emerged.

(Thomas, Namtu, & Ebert, 2022)

Hoping and Caregiving in Adversity

Ithemba Hope for Parents Study

(Thomas, Valentino, Matabaro, 2024) 

Just environments foster character

A longitudinal assessment in schools shows that SEL and warm and structured climate predicts children's personal belief in a just world, which in turn predicts virtues of fairness, bravery, and prosocial leadership. 

(Thomas, Santo, & Cunha, 2022)

All of my empirical peer-reviewed articles are listed below

I'll share all papers via email, just contact me:

Thomas, K. J., Valentino, K., & Matabaro, L. (2024). Hoping and caregiving in adversity: Sweetwaters Parenting Study. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 

Hoang, N. T., Yakes, K., Moran, E. G., Musherure, I., Turahirwa, E., Prindle, A., Reagan, M., Vandezande, J. & Thomas, K. J. (2024). Hopeful parenting: A systematic literature review on hope among parents. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 

Thomas, K. J., Rodrigues, H., & Komatsu, A. (2023). Justice for me, not for all: Developmental trajectories of justice perceptions across socio-economic indicators. Journal of Research in Adolescence, 34(2), 436-451.

Johnson, S. & Thomas, K. J. (2023). Racial ideology, just world belief, and system justification in African Americans. Brief Report.  Frontiers in Psychology, Cultural Psychology.

Bartholomaeus, J., Kiral Ucar, G., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Donat, M., & Thomas, K. J., (2023). Is the belief in a just world really universal? Factor analytic and psychometric evidence from six countries. Journal of Research in Personality. 101

Thomas, K. J., Gomes, A. & Rodrigues, H. A (2023). Crença no mundo justo na perspectiva da socialização legal. [Belief in a just world and legal socialization] Civitas: Revista de Ciências Sociais, 23(1).

Schornick, Z. T., Ellis, N. E., Ray, E. M., Snyder, B. L., & Thomas, K. J. (2023). Hope that benefits others: A systematic literature review of Hope Theory and prosocial outcomes.  International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology 

Thomas, K. J., Namtu, M., & Ebert, S. (2022). Virtuous hope: Moral exemplars, Hope Theory, and the centrality of adversity and support. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology.  DOI: 10.1007/s41042-022-00083-1

Thomas, K. J., Mangino, A., & Walker, S. (2022). Translational research on caregiver reading and playing behaviors: Evidence from an in vivo community-based intervention throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(8), 

Thomas, K. J., Santo, J. B,, & Cunha, J. M.(2022). Just environments foster character: A longitudinal assessment of school climate. Journal of Moral Education.

Kiral Ucar, G., Donat, M., Bartholomaeus, J., Thomas, K. J., Nartova-Bochaver, S. (2022). The meaning of believing in a just world in dealing with COVID-19 pandemic times: Findings from Turkey, Germany, Australia, USA, Brazil, and Russia. Current Psychology, 41, 8400-8409 

Chavez, L., Kivisto, A., Gray, S., & Thomas, K. (2022). Youth gun carrying and state-level household firearm ownership in 22 U.S. States. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(8), 3640-3658

Thomas, K.  J., Cunha J. M., & Santo, J. B. (2022). Changes in character strengths are driven by classroom relationships: A longitudinal study of elementary school children. School Mental Health, 14, 266-277. 

Ray, E. M., Zeigler, C. L., Brixey, M. J., Atzhon, J. D., & Thomas, K. J. (in press). The VIA-Youth character assessment: A systematic literature review. The Journal of Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences. 

Thomas, K. J. (2022). A dark lens or a dark world? A case for Justice Capital. International Journal of Psychology, 57(2), 190-198. 

Cunha, J. M., Thomas, K. J., Sukhawathanakul, P., Santo, J., & B. Leadbeater, B. (2021). Socially responsible children: A link between school climate and aggression and victimization. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 45(6). 

Thomas, K. J., Theodoro, R., & Komatsu, A. V. (2021). Socializing justice: The interface of just world beliefs and legal socialization. Journal of Social Issues, 77(2), 314-335. 

Hoollihan, E. & Thomas, K. J. (2020). The relationships between bonding social capital, personal belief in a just world and well-being: An analysis of a diverse adolescent sample. Social Psychology of Education, 23, 1609-1626..

Thomas, K. J., Rodrigues, H., de Oliveira, R. T. & Mangino, A. A. (2020).  What predicts pre-adolescent compliance with family rules?  A longitudinal analysis of parental discipline, procedural justice, and legitimacy evaluations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(4), 936-950. 

Thomas, K. J. & Rodrigues, H. (2020).  The just world gap, privilege and legal socialization: A study among Brazilian preadolescents. Social Justice Research, 33(1), 18-43. 

Edwards, L. C., Rodrigues, H., & Thomas, K. J. (2020). Factors that differentiate preadolescents’ perception-change of parental legitimacy. International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family Studies, 11(1). 22-44.

Thomas, K. J., Santo, J. B., & Cunha, J. M. (2019). The predictive value of school climate and teacher techniques on students’ just world beliefs: A comprehensive Brazilian sample. Social Psychology of Education. 22(5), 1239-1257.

Thomas, K. J., Cunha, J., Américo de Souza, D. & Santo, J. (2019). Fairness, trust, and school climate as foundational to growth mindset: A study among Brazilian children and adolescents. Educational Psychology, 39(4), 510-529.

Thomas, K. J., Rodrigues, H, Mizutani, A. M., de Oliveira, R. T., Piccirillo, D., Brito, R. C. (2018). Parental legitimacy, procedural justice and adolescent compliance with parental rules among Brazilian preadolescents. International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family Studies, 9(3), 21-46. DOI: 

Thomas, K. J. & Mucherah, W. M. (2018). Constructing lenses of justice: Relationships between Brazilian adolescents' just world beliefs, perceived school fairness, legal authorities and student conduct. Social Justice Research, 31(1), 41-60.

Mucherah, W. M., Finch, H., White, T. & Thomas, K. (2018). The relationship of school climate, teacher defending and friends on students' perceptions of bullying in high school. Journal of Adolescence, 62, 128-139.  

Thomas, K. J. (2018). Justice perceptions and demographics of privilege among Brazilian adolescents. Psychological Reports, 121(6), 1-20. 

Mucherah, W. M. & Thomas, K. J. (2017). Reducing barriers to primary school education for girls in rural Kenya: Reusable pads’ intervention. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.

Thomas, K. J. & Napolitano, P. (2017). Educational privilege: The role of school context in the development of just world beliefs. International Journal of Psychology, 52(S1), 106-113.

Thomas, K. J. & Mucherah, W. M. (2016). How fair is my world?  Development of just world beliefs among Kenyan students. Journal of Adolescence, 49, 244-253. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.03.011

Thomas, K. E., & Mucherah, W. M. (2016). The contextual difference: Developing preservice teacher efficacy through immersive-learning experiences. Education and Urban Society, 48(4), 364-383. 

Mucherah, W. M. & Thomas, K. E. (2015). Accounting for the response-shift: Pre-service teacher efficacy development in immersive learning. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 1, 90-101.